In life, relationships are everything. The quality of your relationships with friends, family, colleagues, intimate partners, and yes—your mother—has a profound impact on your happiness. Even our relationships with inanimate objects (think money and food) are powerful drivers. In tending to all these relationships, we often neglect the foundational relationship we have with ourselves. Each relationship in your life is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself, so invest in it.


Intimate Relationships

Some women are disappointed with their intimate relationships, while others are still looking for someone who fits well with them. In my sessions, we focus on creating a life with the right person rather than creating an idealized partner who could never measure up to unrealistic expectations. When you better understand yourself, and what you need and want, you will be able to embrace and prioritize a life with a healthy adult who shares your values.

  • Discover your passions

  • Increase your confidence

  • Get your life back together

  • Attract good people

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Work Relationships

The average worker will spend a third of their life at work. Women often spend more waking hours with their coworkers than with their families.

Nearly everyone who has ever held a job has experienced coworkers who are passive-aggressive, disrespectful, mean-spirited, blame-deflecting, or who take credit for the work of others. Depression causes 200 million lost workdays each year, and major factor in this health issue is workplace relationships.

You can come to understand how to manage your emotional responses and gain a great deal of control over your own happiness. I can show you how to acknowledge issues without escalating them and keep your career on track. You’ll learn how powerful your interactions can be.